Monday, June 3, 2013

May Catch Up

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. I have been undertaking a major garden re-design, which has taken up all my evenings and weekends. It is not quite finished but we are getting there. I has been creative in a different way to my usual outlets.

Here is a card I made earlier in the year - I love these quilled fringed flowers - use 20cm of 1cm wide paper that you have snipped the fringe into. Glue to the yellow/orange 3mm wide paper for the centres, about 5 cm each and starting with the yellow paper in the quilling tool, roll up tightly to the end and glue. When dry squash the 'petals' flat and glue to the card blank.

Here is my most recent card for my Dad. I wasn't very inspired so used my time in the garden as my source. I have these great floral photographic craft papers so stuck a rectangle of each on first. In the gaps I filled some blank spaces with glue and sprinkled on seeds that I collected last year - Evening Primrose and Cosmos daisies. You have to be careful putting it into the envelope!

Over the weekend we spent a lot of time in my parents' garden so I had a chance to do some drawing. This is Herb Robert, a native wild flower. It wilted really quickly once picked and the leaves blew around a lot in the wind so I didn't have the chance to spend ages on the shading. It is coloured using Inktense Pencils, of which I am a big fan as they are so versatile.

How about this bowl of Houseleeks for inspiration for an embroidery!

And I loved the colourful simplicity of this fabric wall spotted in the Pan Asia thai restaurant in Bath - would make a great bedhead idea.