Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Paper Pictures - Camellias

I have a wonderful red camellia in the garden and they are so striking when in full bloom so that inspired my next paper picture.
I was still very much inspired by Clover Robin's version in her book 'Cut Paper Pictures':

I began by painting lining paper with various colours and textures to suit the flowers, stems, leaves and buds. I am just using cheap acrylic paints and tried to mix up colours and leave unpainted parts to give a variety of textures as I have learned that this technique is all about happy accidents. Here are the papers I ended up with.
The final piece is below. I deliberately tried to be more 'graphic' in my approach compared with the snowdrops in my last blog post. I think I achieved this but some parts of the picture are more successful than others. The leaves, for example, are possibly still too 'painterly'. I ended up adding the veins on them with Inktense pencils, rather than cutting out paper, so that may have added to this feeling. This piece is A4 laid on ordinary white card.